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Artists & Scholars in Public Life at the University of Florida and Beyond

UF is proud to be a member-institution of Imagining America (IA), a national consortium committed to using the arts, humanities, and design to enact a more just and liberatory world. Faculty, staff, students, and community partners are invited to join the UF Imagining America Working Group and advance public scholarship through IA gatherings, collaborative projects, and resources.


Recent Projects

The Wonder of their Voices: The First Holocaust Oral History Interviews Public Program


Dr. Alan Rosen gave this lecture at the University of Florida at Pugh Hall on February 12, 2013 to a packed room. Dr. Paul Ortiz, director of the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program, made introductions.
Dr. Alan Rosen earned his Ph.D. in literature and religion at Boston University where he studied under the supervision of renowned Holocaust survivor, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and Founding Chairman of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council Elie Wiesel. Rosen has taught Holocaust literature at colleges and universities in Israel and the United States, as well as at Yad Vashem's International School for Holocaust Studies (Jerusalem, Israel). As the first recipient of the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies' Sosland Foundation Fellowship, Dr. Rosen conducted research for his book, "The Wonder of their Voices: The 1946 Holocaust Interviews of David Boder."

UF Classics: Ancient Greeks/Modern Lives


UF Department of Classics will be participating in a new project called "Ancient Greeks/Modern Lives: Poetry-Drama-Dialogue" (2011-2013). This program represents an important new nationwide partnership between libraries and the theatre supported by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The program will have an additional focus on cross-cultural impact relating to the African-American, Asian-American, and Latino experience and a special emphasis on veterans and their families and will be guided by consultants specializing in these areas. Gonda Van Steen, Cassas Professor in Greek Studies (, will facilitate this program as the University of Florida representative.

Ancient Greeks/Modern Lives will travel to 100 public libraries and performing arts centers nationwide to inspire people to come together to read, see, and think about classical literature and how it continues to influence and invigorate American cultural life. The program is organized around four thematic units: 1) Rites of Passage: Changing Worlds, Transforming Lives; 2) Stranger in a Strange Land: Encountering the Other; 3)Homecoming: The Return of the Warrior and 4) From Homer to Hip Hop: The Art of Storytelling.

Ancient Greeks/Modern Lives: Poetry-Drama-Dialogue unites the assets of the Aquila Theatre Company (professional company-in-residence at NYU's Center for Ancient Studies), the Urban Libraries Council (ULC), the American Philological Association (APA), the Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington DC, and the Center for Ancient Studies at New York University.

“Gloria’s Hip Hop Math”—STEAM Learning Network Curriculum Goes Public


The UF Lastinger Center for Learning and Digital Worlds Institute produced the DVD / Teacher Materials album "Gloria's Hip Hop Math" as a means of giving teachers and students a step-by-step example of how to infuse the arts into the math classroom. The STEAM Team can be seen in a number of videos illustrating how math concepts can be embodied and reinforced through music and movement. Students can then expand and demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter by creating their own songs and movement patterns. (the vimeo video)

Arts in Medicine Internships


The UF College of Fine Arts, particularly the M.A. program in Museum Studies and the B.A. and M.A. programs in Art Education, sponsors semester long internships which promote strong citizenship and community experiences not available through normal coursework. In these programs, students garner practical skills working directly with the community at large.

In most cases, students seeking a master’s degree in Museum Studies will be completing a project-in-lieu-of-thesis rather than a thesis. In general terms, projects are focused on an activity rather than extensive research and writing. Each project is unique to an individual’s needs and her/his desire to gain experience in a particular aspect of museum work. For example, a student might catalogue a collection, organize an exhibition, or undertake a visitor study. Although centered on an activity, projects also include a significant written component outlining the experience and its relevance to contemporary museums.

Laura Nemmers, The Campus Loan Outreach Program at the Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art

Tedder & Rothman Doctoral Fellowships


In 2012, the Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere, with the support of the Tedder Family Endowed Research Award in the Humanities, began a program to award summer fellowships to doctoral candidates working on humanities topics who have passed their qualifying exams by the application deadline. This fellowship may be used to cover research expenses, including travel, related to their dissertation project. Work on projects with interdisciplinary appeal is particularly encouraged. Additional awards may be granted with funds from the Rothman endowment.

MLA students work with Palatka community on greenprint project


As a research-based studio project, the objective for the Palatka Community Greenprint is to establish a landscape strategy for revitalizing downtown that enhances Palatka’s identity along the St. John’s River. The students are exploring three areas of design inquiry and synthesis related to ‘livability’ in Palatka that’s at the intersection of community development, cultural heritage and ecological design where the proposed Community Greenprint can serve as a new form of cultural infrastructure for the city of Palatka. The students’ research and analysis from phase one research can be viewed on the city’s website

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