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What is the Good Life @ UF


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At the end of each semester, students of IUF 1000 complete the This I Believe (TIB) audio essay (adapted from In this assignment, students identify a value or belief that guides them, and they explain how a course work relates to that value or belief. Beginning Summer 2016, students of IUF 1000 have been invited to enter their audio essays in the competition for the TIB Scholarship, sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Affairs. The Finalists of the competition and the recipients of the TIB Scholarship have their entries included in the course’s new digital collection, IUF 1000: What is the Good Life @ UF. This collection is intended to serve as a resource for current students to consult, to recognize students in IUF 1000 for the exceptional quality of their work, and to provide the UF community with the opportunity to learn more about the purpose and content of the course. Audio essays will continue to be added each semester the competition is conducted.
For more information, contact Andrew Wolpert, Director of IUF 1000, at