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inFESTation: for punk is a pestilence that refuses cure. inFESTation: when your local scene explodes to become the capital of punk nation. inFESTation: when the subterranean hive is alive with the frenetic drives of alternative futures. inFESTation: when the sounds of the underground surround us with microphones, drones, and pedal tones. With distorted baritones and sonic tombstones. inFESTation is amped up, and it won't back down. inFESTation: an abrasive invasive that scrapes your ears and perforates your shoes. inFESTation: when hardcore carves out the caverns in your ribcage. inFESTation is a domination of black. inFESTation: when the academy that dissected and defined punk leaves the ivory tower and goes out into the street! inFESTation: when punk and postpunk expression invades the way we think, the way we write, and what we do.