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2011 Meet and Greet

Imagining America Meet and Greet

October 21, 2011
Humanities Center, 200 Walker Hall

Ft. Presentations from: Marna Weston (Samuel Proctor Oral History Program) and Ferdinand Lewis (School of Landscape Architecture and Planning)

This event was the kick-off meeting for the UF Imaging America Working Group to gather together faculty, staff, and students across the arts, humanities, design, and allied fields interested in exploring and documenting the civic dimensions of their work. This event introduced the agenda of IA@UF and shared information about how UF community members could benefit from IA programs and resources.

The original mission of IA@UF was:

Meet and Greet

  1. To organize campus-community ‘mixers’
  2. To solicit feedback on work and work-in-progress
  3. To share tips, resources, and publicity
  4. To reach out to UF Research and Alumni magazines
  5. To bring invited speakers to campus to articulate civically-engaged scholarship
  6. To bring consciousness to engaged work on and off campus and push for greater recognition of such activities in annual review and tenure/promotion documentation

This event was organized by the UF Imagining America Working Group with co-sponsorship from the UF Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere.