Since 2009, Imagining America (IA) supports UF faculty, staff, and students working in the arts, humanities, and design to explore how scholarship and teaching can advance the radical inclusion and democratic practices necessary for responsible community engagement by higher education.
IA offers multiple resources: as a scholarly society for faculty and students doing civically-engaged work to find legitimacy in a peer-reviewed environment; as a working group to share and disseminate best practice for building campus-community partnerships that contribute to local civic life; and in offering national opportunities for universities to converse and develop collaborative proposals.
All UF faculty and graduate students are invited to participate in Imagining America, e.g., by attending or presenting work at the annual conference, participating in funded research collaboratories, contributing to IA blogs and podcasts, or applying for student fellowships.
UF’s membership in IA is made possible by the Office of the Provost. The current UF institutional representatives to Imagining America are: Dr. Sophia Acord (Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere) and Prof. Katerie Gladdys (School of Art + Art History).
The UF IA Working Group is overseen by a Steering Committee including the institutional representatives and Jeff Pufahl (Center for Arts in Medicine), Prof. Paul Monaghan (Agricultural Education and Communication/IFAS Extension), Manda Wittebort (Brown Center for Leadership and Service), Andrew Telles (UF Collaborative Initiatives), and Karissa Raskin (City of Gainesville).
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Join Listserv by emailing UFImaginingAmerica-L@lists.ufl.edu with the line subscribe (listname) (your first name) (your last name)
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Submit Your Project
Visit the Project Submission form to add your project to the UF Imagining America database of publicly-engaged arts, humanities, and design projects.
Use #UFImaginingAmerica to share your work on social media.
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